Links  LMDC's website for the selected WTC memorial design
                                       known as "Reflecting Absence," along with images of the 5,201
                                       other memorial contest entries.   Sign petition to install the facades at ground level, place names

                                       of those lost on 9/11 at ground level in a logical order, preserve

                                       below-ground remnants, and have safe evacuation design for

                                       underground museum.  Online voice for a fitting and proper 9/11 memorial.
                                      Alternative plan for the WTC site which includes re-engineered                                        and re-designed Twin Towers and a memorial that incorporates

                                       the facades around the North and South Tower footprints

                                       in an above-ground setting, among other proposals.  - Provides crisis relief services for victims of any

                                       kind of tragedy by sharing information about relevant support

                                       organizations, networking with support groups and government

                                       agencies, serving as advocates for victims and their needs,

                                       and fostering community participation.

Family Member Coalition Groups:

9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America
9/11 Families for a Secure America
Advocates for 9/11 Fallen Heroes
Cantor Fitzgerald Relief Fund
Coalition of 9/11 Families
Margie Miller 9/11 Support Group
September 11th Families Association
September’s Mission
Voices of September 11th
W. Doyle Support Group
World Trade Center United Family Group
WTC Families for Proper Burial